AQA Psychology Course Content
Introductory Topics
This paper for AS and A level students looks at social influences such as conformity and obedience, cognitive psychology models of memory, the developmental psychology of attachment, and the psycopathological conditions of phobias, depression, and OCD.
Psychology in Context
This paper for AS and A level students looks at how psychology works in practice. This covers the origins of psychology as well as various approaches to the study of the mind, such as the cognitive and biological approaches. This topic also covers research methods.
Issues and Options
This paper is only required for A level students and covers a range of psychological issues. The exam allows students to pick from a choice of questions on issues including relationships, gender, aggression, schizophrenia, eating behaviour, stress, and addiction.
Course textbook
A quick and colourful revision guide!
Short and snappy explanations of syllabus topics for all 3 papers, clearly identified AO3 evaluation points, exam technique section with example answers, and glossary of key terms – in under 200 pages!

Practice Papers with A* Model Answers

Revise the course content and exam technique simultaneously!
Practice papers and A* grade model answers based on the format of the AQA psychology A-level exam papers: Introductory topics (7182/1), psychology in context (7182/2), and issues and options (7182/3).
Mock Exam Papers
Downloadable and printable PDF files for teachers. Realistic mock exam papers closely based on the format of the AQA Psychology A-level (7182) exam papers, with detailed mark schemes for easy and reliable marking.

Exam Guide

Information on the exam format and assessment objectives for the AS and A level papers, as well as exam dates for 2023.