Below are links to A level psychology revision notes organised by module and topic.
The AQA psychology A level assessment consists of 3 exam papers (2 for AS). These are:
Note: AS level topics are in bold, whereas A level topics are not. The entire issues and options in psychology module is for A level only, not AS.
Introductory topics
Social influence
- Conformity (majority influence)
- Obedience
- Explanations of resistance to social influence
- Social change
- The multi-store model
- The working memory model
- Types of long-term memory
- Explanations of forgetting
- Eyewitness testimony
- Caregiver-infant attachment
- Animal studies of attachment
- Explanations of attachment
- Types of attachment
- Effects of attachment
Psychology in context
Approaches in psychology
- Origins of psychology
- Learning approaches
- The cognitive approach
- The biological approach
- The psychodynamic approach
- Humanistic psychology
- The nervous system
- The endocrine system
- The brain
- Biological rhythms
Research methods
- Types of study
- Scientific processes
- Data handling and analysis
Issues and options in psychology
Issues and debates in psychology
- Gender and culture in psychology
- Ethical issues
- Free will vs. determinism
- Nature vs. nurture
- Holism vs. reductionism
- Idiographic vs. nomothetic
Option 1
- Evolutionary explanations of relationships
- Factors affecting attraction
- Theories of romantic relationships
- Virtual relationships
- Parasocial relationships
- Sex and gender
- Biological influences on gender development
- Cognitive explanations of gender development
- Psychodynamic explanations of gender development
- Social learning theory explanations of gender development
- Atypical gender development (gender dysphoria)
Cognition and development
- Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
- Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
- Baillargeon’s explanation of infant abilities
- Development of social cognition
Option 2
- Classification of schizophrenia
- Biological approach to schizophrenia
- Psychological approaches to schizophrenia
- Interactionist approach to schizophrenia
Eating behaviour
- Explanations of food preferences
- Neural and hormonal mechanisms involved in control of eating
- Explanations of anorexia nervosa
- Explanations of obesity
- Physiology of stress
- The role of stress in illness
- Sources of stress
- Measuring stress
- Individual differences in stress
- Managing and coping with stress
Option 3
- Biological mechanisms of aggression
- Ethological explanations of aggression
- Evolutionary explanations of aggression
- Social psychological explanations of aggression
- Institutional aggression
- Media influences on aggression
Forensic psychology
- Offender profiling
- Biological explanations of offending behaviour
- Psychological explanations of offending behaviour
- Dealing with offending behaviour