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The Social Readjustment Ratings Scale (SRRS) is a self-report questionnaire designed to quantify a person’s levels of stress associated with life changes.

Items on the SRRS

The SRRS includes 43 life events, ranked from most stressful to least stressful. The more stressful an event, the more Life Change Units (LCUs) associated with it. The more LCUs a person has within a time period, the greater their risk of stress-related illness.

Event Rank LCUs
Death of a spouse 1 100
Divorce 2 73
Marital separation 3 65
Imprisonment 4 63
Death of a close family member 5 63
Personal injury or illness 6 53
Marriage 7 50
Dismissal from work 8 47
Marital reconciliation 9 45
Retirement 10 45
Change in health of family member 11 44
Pregnancy 12 40
Sexual difficulties 13 39
Gain a new family member 14 39
Business readjustment 15 39
Change in financial state 16 38
Death of a close friend 17 37
Change to different line of work 18 36
Change in frequency of arguments 19 35
Major mortgage 20 32
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 21 30
Change in responsibilities at work 22 29
Child leaving home 23 29
Trouble with in-laws 24 29
Outstanding personal achievement 25 28
Spouse starts or stops work 26 26
Beginning or end of school 27 26
Change in living conditions 28 25
Revision of personal habits 29 24
Trouble with boss 30 23
Change in working hours or conditions 31 20
Change in residence 32 20
Change in schools 33 20
Change in recreation 34 19
Change in church activities 35 19
Change in social activities 36 18
Minor mortgage or loan 37 17
Change in sleeping habits 38 16
Change in number of family reunions 39 15
Change in eating habits 40 15
Vacation 41 13
Major Holiday 42 12
Minor violation of law 43 11

The greater the total number of LCUs a person scores, the greater their chance of stress-related illness:

  • >300 LCUs: High risk of illness
  • 150-299 LCUs: Moderate risk of illness
  • <150 LCUs: Minor risk of illness

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